Thursday 21 October 2010

1 week post op

Wow, this time last week my 4.5 hour op had just finished and I was in recovery, which lasted 5 hours. They nebulised me pre and post op, and took such incredible care of me, I think I was in recovery so long as they were taking no chances my asthma would play up.

Family are usually never allowed in recovery, in the time I was conscious (I was in and out of it for the first couple of hours in recovery) I never saw anyone but patients and hospital staff... however... I have no idea how he did it, but they let Lance in!

He dislikes hospital situations intensely and I know he must have had a look of utter desperation on his dear face, how else would the nurse have allowed him in? She snuck him in when there were no senior doctors or surgeons in recovery. hehe It was so good to see him. He couldn't get near me with all the machines around me, but kissed my forehead with his fingers. Then *poof* he was gone again, till about 5pm, when I was taken to the ward. I was taken in for surgery at 8:30am... a long wait for the lad. My sister was there since 3pm, so he had company the last couple of hours thankfully.

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