Another friend's sister in law in the States passed away due to... you guessed it... the 'c' word. She wrote me a beautiful letter which I will post, sans identity. Made me chuckle and cry all at once.
Another friend in the States is so stressed, her son has an inoperable cyst in his spine. He has a baby due in July too, and everything in their life is so bittersweet ... she said she wishes she had the faith I do to believe in God, so He could help her through this trauma... she is an atheist.
Tragic. All of it. Why???
One of the worse part of any illness is the frustration of not being able to do anything physically to fix it - to make the patient better - and the unknown factors.
I received an inspirational message a week or two ago that said:
'When I have something to worry about I hand it to the Lord. He's going to be up all night anyway'.
I truly believe that the Lord will give us all the strength we need if we let Him.
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