Here are 2 lovely poems, a song on video and a tribute video - all written for Baby P... this little lad and his frightful plight has touched the hearts of many... what happened to him by his own mother and her two male cohorts was horrendous, and should have been stopped, and could have been stopped had care been adequate... especially as the local authorities knew about it! Now it's too late. Heads have rolled and are rolling... justice is being served... but that won't bring this darling lil boy back.
It Shouldn't Happen Here.
He didn't have a voice,
To say I'm hurting.
His tears of pain ignored,
By those to deaf to hear.
Now a little child's spirit,
Is like a silent shadow moving,
For his tormentors souls,
The fires of hell are burning.
We all feel guilty now,
We could not do something,
But we share the pain you felt,
In every paper we are reading.
Every single cut that bled,
Every single tear you shed,
Every single punch you felt,
It shouldn't happen here.
Poet: Martin McGregor
It is March 1st 2006 and a precious gift arrives on Earth
So perfect, so handsome, unaware of his worth
He stares around in wonder, at this world he now calls home
‘I’m safe with those who love me, I will never be alone…’
But as months pass, he wonders at life, much harder than he thought
‘Why am I being hurt again, is everything my fault?’
‘I thought these people in my life were here to comfort me’
‘But once again I’m all alone, no help arrives for me’
‘Is this what life is always like, why have I not been saved?
‘I’m feeling quite unsure right now but know I can be brave’
‘Why do they not hear me when I scream out for some love?’
‘Maybe I’ll feel happier with someone up above’
‘I will close my tired eyes now and wish goodnight to Earth’
‘I know there’s somewhere happier where people know my worth’.
‘So please do not feel sad for me, as I move to my new life’
‘The angels have come to save me and to take away my strife’.
‘Their hands are warm and comforting, their hugs make me feel bright’
‘Please don’t forget to wave at me, when you watch the stars at night’
‘I feel at peace, and happy, I’m smiling every day’
‘The angels make me giggle as we run around and play’
‘So happy I am here now where all the angels sing’
‘They make me feel protected, sheltered by their wings’
‘I wake up every morning with a smile upon my face,
‘So pleased that I was taken to this kind and magic place’
‘So happy you all care for me, knew not much love before’
‘I feel so warm and special now I’m loved for ever more’
Poet: Lynne Killick
Tribute song for Baby P - "God Called You Home"
The singer writes: ''My tribute to Baby P - If anyone knows who the author of the poem God's Garden is, please let me know. I dedicate the music I wrote to the memory of Baby P, who was let down by everyone during the course of his short and painful life...''
The second video is a tribute to this lil boy x
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