We had a super day, 53 guests including the bridal party, small and intimate, in a stone chapel in Tokai Forest in Cape Town. Our reception was at the national monument, The Hout Bay Manor... we had an afternoon tea! My dress was off white and creamy gold.. subtle and beautiful.. I wouldn't change a thing about our day :)

So this am, we exchanged cards as we usually do.. we *feign* we need the loo and then give the other the opportunity to pop the card on our pillow... hehe... we do not usually get gifts for each other, we usually have a special meal out, and I always get blommies.
They were delivered this am... I LOVE them. 12 velvety red roses. In a gorgeous vase. The delivery man said it must be for a special occasion and I told him it was our wedding anniversary... and he said we shared our anniversary with his parents... they were celebrating 64 years (!!!) of marriage! I laughed and said 'well, we are only 55 years behind them... for now!' :)
We are going out (my first outing since surgery) on Saturday night to a very local classy pub for some grub... well, Lance will have a good meal, I will have their soup of the day (I'll be lucky if I get through half of it at this stage haha), and I will be a little naughty and have a sip (or two or three) of his wine. I cannot wait!
I got him a cute blue thermo lunch box, a Meerkat DVD and 2 mugs - I couldn't decide which one to get him, so got both haha. A Mr Strong mug and a Mr Happy mug. Good thing he has a good sense of humour!